The Shreveport Historic Preservation Society welcomes you to help advance historic preservation in our Community. Your support will make it possible for us to identify, research and document our historic buildings, structures and sites, and to encourage their preservation for the benefit of future generations.
Projects to be initiated by the Society will include: nomination of buildings, structures and sites to local, state and national registers; creation of a data-driven website as a community resource; and the development of educational workshops, lectures, exhibits and publications. The Society will also create a newsletter, which will serve to highlight historic preservation news, resources and events.
The Shreveport Historic Preservation Society is currently raising funds for these activities and to establish a full time executive director and staff to be devoted to, and work to advance the cause of, historic preservation.
Help us to build a successful organization and promote historic preservation in our Community. Please mail your contribution or click the button to contribute online today! Thank You!
If you are interested in hands-on activities, The Shreveport Historic Preservation Society welcomes your support and involvement.
Upcoming projects will need assistance for research and documentation, neighborhood clean-ups, fundraising events, and exhibits, amongst others.
Please contact us and let us know your interest.
The Shreveport Historic Preservation Society would like to thank Shreveport’s Downtown Development Authority; LSU-S Noel Memorial Library Archives; W. Deryl Medlin, Attorney; and MMCC; for initial support and encouragment.